Official website for GameSingle Ticket:Cost: $3
Chances of at least breaking even:
15.9% (~6.3 to 1)
Note: While technically the the free ticket is a breakeven prize as they are both worth the same amount, they are not equal as you can not exchange the free ticket for a cash amount and walk away break-even. You are forced to continue playing the free ticket (and possibly again and again...) until you either lose or win a prize. More likely than not you will lose. This drops your chances of at least breaking even from the stated amount on the website to the odds calculated above.
Optimal Chances:Buying 5 ticket(s)
Cost: $15
Chances of at least breaking even:
22.4% (~4.5 to 1)
Median Prizes(half the time prizes will be less than this amount, half the time it will be more)
10 tickets ($30): $8
100 tickets ($300): $149
1,000 tickets ($3,000): $1605
**Since only a finite number of scratch tickets were printed, overall odds used and number of winners may vary based on manufacturer's omissions, unsold tickets, reorders and unclaimed prizes.GRAPHS:(up to 10 tickets, 100 and 1,000)
(click to see enlarged)